Pantoum Poem on College

The reason this poem is a little choppy is because it is a Pantoum poem. They are tricky to work with since they repeat lines.
I went with the topic of college and tried to hit some hot spots related to sorority girls, as I am one. (Proud to be an Alpha Sigma Tau, btw!)


“I said that I would never date a smoker
Not even an enthusiastic partier.
I said I would never ever eat hummus
But that didn’t work out so well later.

Not even an enthusiastic partier
Perhaps my adventurous side is coming out.
But do I qualify him as a bad boy?
Or is love finally coming about?

Perhaps my adventurous side is coming out
Parties, hookah and liquor
But time is still given to my studies
Even when I’m not drinking something bitter.

Parties, hookah and liquor
That’s not all of who I am.
I am a sister, a student, an ambitious woman
Who, for her career, will do whatever she can.”
Copyright 2014